She wouldn't survive it. She had already lost her heart once. It took her years to pick up all the tiny splinters and put it back together. She could not afford to loose it once again. She was certain that if she would loose it again, her mind and soul would go with it, and she would be left with nothing--just an old dried-up empty shell.
She was contented being left alone. She was at peace. She had no one to run all her plans through. She didn't answer to anyone. She had the freedom to do anything and everything she wants. The possiblities were endless. She was at the prime of her life. The oppurtunities opened their doors wide in anticipation for her. She had vowed never to kneel down again--never. And promises could never be broken.
Her nights were spent catching up on her reading and writing. Oh, how she loved to read and write. Reading was her escape from the harsh realities of life while writing was the outlet of her pent-up emotions. Or sometimes, she would just lit a scented candle, clutch her guitar, and softly sing her favorite songs by Regina Spektor and Nora Jones.
Her days were filled with activities. She'd wake-up early to greet the sun and jog through a trail that leads up to the top of the hill overlooking the see. There, she would sit for a while and meditate about the things she had learn the day before. Then she would slowly descend back to her little cottage where the steaming hot coffee she had prepared earlier wait for her. She would then head out to whichever activity she had lined-up for the day. There were always art exhibits, theatre workshops, meetings with various cause-oriented groups, lectures and speeches at forums, and activities to organize. Plus her self enrichment activities: dancing and violin lessons, swimming, and target shooting.
She also loved to travel, and she maximize each travel oppurtunity that comes her way. She had been to quite a few places already. She enjoyed these travels--she get to meet lots of people, see the gut-wrenching reality of the world as well as its breath-taking beauty, and experience strange but unique adventures. Little did she know that it is during these excapades that she would finally loose not only her entire being but her soul as well.