Sunday, June 10, 2012

Entry 5: Success--Stressed and Smiling!

So, the first two days of Destino was hectic! The "SOFT" opening turned out to be not so soft even if it was raining. We ran out of chairs and customers were standing. The second day, we again ran out of chairs! We definitely need to buy more tables and chairs. We had 10 small tables and 6 big tables to start with, plus 10 barstools. Seating capacity was already approximately 85 and we still ran out of chairs! NEED TO BUY TABLES AND CHAIRS! Hahaha! Makes me happy knowing a lot of people are trying the place. First day was overwhelming as there was not system and we just went with whatever. We were short-staffed as we weren't expecting that many people. Thankfully my cousin was there to save the day. She assisted me in all ways possible. So I gave her a Destino shirt. I owe her way more than that. Tomorrow is another day of sleeplessness but it's all worth it. Supports are pouring in (!), especially sponsorships for the Grand Opening come Friday. I could almost imagine Destino: Cebu, Destino: Davao, Destino: Leyte....Destino Resorts, Destino Hotels....Destino Corporation. REACH FOR THE STARS SO THAT, AT THE VERY LEAST, YOU'D REACH THE TREE TOPS! :)

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